OBEC February 2024 Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 22, 2024 / 2-3 PM 

1:45 PM – Zoom room will start. Everyone is welcome to join early. 

2:00 PM – Welcome

  • Icebreaker 
  • Housekeeping 
    – Zoom etiquette / Group agreements
    – Chat moderation / questions
  • Land acknowledgment 
    – Call to action: visit https://native-land.ca/, find your location and respective tribal land you live on. Commit to learning more about the tribe/s in your area. 

2:10 PM – OBEC Overview 

  • Mission 
  • Vision 
  • Purpose 

2:15 PM – Digital Health presentation
Jaleen Johnson – NW Regional Telehealth Resource Center (NRTRC)  

2:25 PM – OBEC Steering Committee call

2:30 PM – Breakout Rooms
– Polls
– Breakout rooms discussion  

2:45 PM – Breakout Rooms Reports 

2: 55 PM – Announcements and wrap up 

3:00 PM – Adjourn 

Next OBEC meeting – Thursday, March 28, 2024, 2:00 PM 

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