BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment) Broadband Navigator: Empowering Tomorrow's Digital Nation Through Local Projects Convening
In partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, Penn State Extension and the Southern Rural Development Center are excited to co-host a convening designed to share new, publicly available, spatial analysis tools important for local community broadband development projects. The online meeting will be held December 5th, 7-9am PST.
The BEAD Broadband Navigator meeting is an essential gathering of key stakeholders dedicated to enhancing broadband connectivity and development projects in areas currently unserved by high-speed broadband. The program's goal is to share these new spatial analysis tools, open doors to local relationships and conceptual project development, and help make a positive difference connecting farms, businesses, individuals, families, and communities. Your participation will be invaluable in driving meaningful discussions and leveraging the power of these new tools.
The meeting goals include:
- Sharing new, publicly available tools that enhance the ability of local citizens to identify populations unserved by high-speed broadband, including those locations with health access disparities, age, income, agriculture, environmental justice areas, and more.
- Develop conceptual broadband deployment and/or equity projects using the Navigator
- Exploring innovative technologies and strategies to bridge the digital divide in rural regions.
- Discussing challenges and obstacles faced by communities in accessing reliable broadband services in your state.
- Connecting organizations, agencies, industry experts, and community leaders who share a common goal of improving broadband access in all areas of the country.
- Share how broadband spatial analysis and mapping has helped Pennsylvania Extension, directly and indirectly, secure over ½ billion in additional broadband funding for the Commonwealth (yes, that is a real impact).
The project aspires to make significant strides in advancing broadband expansion and digital inclusion across local communities.
For questions or more information regarding the BEAD Broadband Navigator Convening, please contact Dana Ollendyke: